The UN revealed that Telegram has become a haven for criminal networks in Southeast Asia, such as money laundering using cryptocurrency.
Pavel Durov's arrest shocked the Telegram community. It turns out that the Telegram CEO also had no idea why he was arrested. So, what happened next?
Pavel Durov says Telegram is ready to leave the French market. Read this article to find out more!
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov will improve Telegram's monitoring of criminal activity.
TonTradingBot and TMM Club are holding a giveaway event for their latest campaign with the hashtag #FREEDUROV. Here are the requirements to join this giveaway.
Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, is embroiled in a legal case in France that has created tensions between Russia and France.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France on charges of supporting the spread of dangerous content and drug trafficking.
Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was detained in France on August 24. He is still not free and has been banned from leaving France. Check out the full story!
Pavel Durov has been a hot topic of conversation in recent days. Durov now faces 12 serious charges that could see him spend up to 20 years behind bars. Check out the review.
The TON community even urged the release of Pavel Durov who was arrested in Paris on August 24. So, what will happen next? Here is the full explanation.
Pavel Durov's arrest rocked the TON ecosystem, causing a 20% drop in the price of TON Coin. What is the future of this ecosystem post-crisis?
What was the real reason Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in Paris? Here is the full explanation from prosecutors on Monday.
TON Market Maker Club (@TMM_Club) recently announced the launch of their newest NFT collection, namely #FREEDUROV, which carries the theme "Resistance Will Prevail". Check here!
So, who really is Pavel Durov? What is the background of this Telegram CEO and how he was able to create Telegram? Check out the interesting facts here!
Hamster Kombat supports Pavel Durov, a Telegram official who is currently involved in a legal case.
To understand what the problem was with Pavel Durov's arrest in Paris and what kind of efforts Putin made to free Durov, see the complete explanation below.
Web3 market maker DWF Labs’ managing partner has purchased $500,000 worth of Toncoin to show support for Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Here’s the full explanation.
TON Community launches Digital Resistance campaign to support Pavel Durov, use Resistance Dog icon as profile picture.
The arrest of Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov, has made the public curious about his figure. Check out the complete biodata of Pavel Durov, founder of the instant messaging application Telegram.
Justin Sun proposed the formation of a DAO called #FreePavel DAO as a form of support for Pavel Durov.
Regarding the arrest of Pavel Durov, who is also the founder of Telegram, the TON community provided its own statement.
After Telegram's CEO was arrested, Telegram emphasized that it has always complied with EU law.
Justin Sun shows his support for Pavel's freedom. Justin Sun supports Pavel Durov by proposing a decentralized fund. Check out the news!